Sunday, 16 May 2010

Troublesome plot bunny

He just popped in my head from God-knows-where. A plot bunny. Sometimes I can spot them before they make a home in my brain but sometimes they just appear and there they are.

I'm used to them so now I did just what I've been doing for years: I fed him, played with him and watched it growing. Some plot bunnies are weak and won't see their adulthood but this one was strong and intriguing. I was happy to have him because, frankly, MOST of plot bunnies die before they grow up.

But suddenly this one grew to a point when he said: "You realize there is no HEA for those two guys."

Ooops. He was right. No way this one can end with a kiss and stuff like that. I tried to negotiate but the bunny was insistent. Mostly because he was right. So, now I'm left with him and a question for my beloved readers:

How important is HEA for you? If every story from a certain author/publisher has a happy ending, would you feel deceived when suddenly one ended with a goodbye? Is it more important for a story to be believable than romantic?

Thank you. And have a cookie. :-)


  1. Hmmm. Interesting question. To be honest, I prefer HFNs more than HEAs. I find them much more realistic and therefore believable. Does that mean it's more important for me that a story be believable than romantic? Yes and no.

    No because if it is evident throughout the story that the characters can't end up together together I'm going to be seriously annoyed if a writer pulls a HEA out of no where just to placate me as a 'romance' reader.

    Yes because I AM a romance reader. I want the couple to end up together in the end, to get that mushy 'awww' feeling. That's why I read the genre after all. :)

    I'm sure this all helps you no end, Matthew. You read my post about readers being a demanding bunch, right. LOL.

    Nice plot bunny cookie, btw. :)

  2. Maybe he found out you were a bigmouthed traitor, traitor.

  3. Kris: Yeah, totally helpful.
    Sean: Who? What? *confused*

  4. Glad to help. *beams*

    Oh, and you're so in trouble. Sean is PISSED at you.

  5. What? Was it HIS plot bunny?
    Or is it about the iinet nerd? Uh, well, sorry about that. I thought hints were there to help.

  6. It's the iinet nerd. The only thing in your favour is that you think he's cute.

    I think both you and Sean are weird.

  7. He IS cute and we're perfectly alright. :-P
